Hey, did you know that it's quite acceptable to place the comma outside the quotation marks? I didn't know this until the day I kept second-guessing myself whilst (my British MIL's word) composing an email to my brother, Tom. He's an editor, which pretty much means he knows his literary stuff. Writing to anyone else, I don't angst over my grammar. But I do when writing to Tom. Compare this to grilling for, let's say....Bobby Flay. You know your meal is crap. And you'd hesitate serving your sub par barbecue to the Iron Chef. So it is with my writing compared to that of my brother. Garbage. Anywho, upon informing Tom of my utter lack of confidence and now at this stage in my life questioning the writing rule I learned soooooo long ago in school, Tom told me that either method of comma placement is correct. Americans put it within the quotation marks, Europeans place the comma outside the quotation marks. He provided a link detailing the differences. I cannot find the link now. If ever I find it, I'll link it...
Currently, I have 3325 emails in my Inbox. Do you think it's time to delete some of those?
I have 6 email addresses for my other brother, Steve...they're all similar and I never know which to use.
Two brothers down, one to go... what "dirt" do I have on Mike?
I know. As children, he'd move his lips to coincide with our Mom's talking. He'd make appropriate faces and funny hand waves...of course behind Mom's back. That's what made it so funny. I'd be laughing and when Mom would turn around to see what was so funny, he'd don a poker face. She never caught him...
Back to Steve...the brother with 5 defunct email addresses. He fell in the Niagara Gorge, scaling the rock walls. He was the family adventurer. He survived...he spent several days in the hospital with some pretty severe wounds. I missed out on driving the car that night...
Like I said at the beginning of this post, I don't have much to say...
Thanks for stopping by...have a beautiful day!
1 comment:
honey, you need to tend to that email box of yours. i though mine was full at 200+!!!
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