Wednesday, September 3, 2008

tale of two shoes.

Big shoe, little shoe. I wonder where these shoes have been, what they've seen? Which is wiser, which is youthful? How are these shoes related? Has the foot that lives in the big shoe ever slipped its baby foot into the small shoe? Has the small foot ever slipped itself into the big shoe? Did they laugh? Did they flounder? I wonder what journey these two soles will embark upon, what adventures they'll experience. All I know is, that little shoe sure is going to miss that big shoe when it grows up and finds another floor to lay upon. ***Sigh.


Princess of Everything (and then some) said...

Oh you are so right. That little shoe sure will miss that big shoe.

But the big shoe will always come back looking for something to eat.

It's A Wonderful said...

You are soooo right, Mindy. On both counts!

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