Imagine our complete and utter joy awakening to a beautiful, cool 57-degrees! We were all so invigorated, we did our happy Snoopy dance! Living in Florida can be season-challenging when you're from Buffalo. Southern holidays often feel off-kilter, leaving me yearning for the seasons of the North.
The first Christmas living in Florida was 90-degrees! Imagine yard decorations and Christmas lights on lush green yards, with revelers wearing shorts and flip-flops...it's like living in the Twilight Zone.
And here it is October, with no change in the leaves. No brilliant golds, vibrant yellows, deep burgundies. I miss the crunch of the leaves under my feet, the cool brisk air, the sweaters and sensible, season-appropriate shoes.
But this morning, it was 57-degrees! By this afternoon, it will be in the mid to upper 80's, with no humidity. That translates to perfect hair and minimal sweating. I can live with that.
If you're reading this and living north of the Mason Dixie Line, I am with you in spirit and dreaming of all the lovely Fall Festivals, fields with pumpkins on the vine and fresh, crisp apples overflowing in bushel baskets at the market. Indian corn on crisp husks, scarecrows, bales of hay and intricate mazes cut in the cornfields.
If you're reading this and live in the South, the hospitality here is awesome and please, don't kick me out yet. The Springs here are divine...
It is getting beautiful here in PA! Wish you could be here to appreciate and enjoy it!!
Aunt Patti, not to rub it in, but our trees are all changing colors right now and woke up to bit of snow(It didn't stick though). I remember going to the beach in December at home and now that I look back I think of what an odd concept that is. I just wish the winter didn't last so long here in Idaho!
I know what you mean...the first year we lived in Florida, we moved there the day after Halloween...it was just weird to see Christmas lights on palm trees, etc. I never did get used to that!
That said, we are heading to the pumpkin patch today after the football game...I do love Fall!
Have a good weekend, Patti!
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