Meet my washing machine. My husband and I bought it about 10 years ago, when it was cutting-edge technology. I was the only one to have this baby...I know, all my friends coveted my washer. Don't try to deny it, Terri, Suzy, Kathy, Wanda, Christy, Fanny, Gertrude, Hilda...the rest of you know who you are! My machine has had a few setbacks over the years, but because I'm married to McGyver, it keeps getting fixed. Nothing's really wrong with it at present, but it's just not as pretty as it once was. The new models are so sleek and come in lovely colors. Uh-oh, I think the same could be said of me. Hmmm. Sorry, washer. I didn't mean it.
My mom has a set of the new ones. They are silver. I wrote my name on the back of them in Sharpie and told her that I get if she dies.
I have a similar model.
We went to Home Depot a couple of weeks ago and I was drooling over all of the cool new colors they come in now---minty blue and cranberry red. My old ones are just plain old white. Boring!
They work just fine though, for which I am thankful! :)
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