Saturday, November 29, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
feast day.
I am thankful for:
my faith and love of God
my husband & our son
my family: mom & dad, mybrothers & their families
my parents-in-law & family
dear & loyal friends
our church community
To have been born in the United States of America
In a country founded by God
Who inspired a group of men to write a document,
The United States Constitution.
God bless America!
Have a wonderful & blessed Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
little piece of history.
A neat little slice of American history on this glorious holiday, Thanksgiving. Have a blessed day with your loved ones...I'll be over for leftovers.
P.S. Head over to my brother's blog, Marching On, for a cheerful description of the birth of our American Thanksgiving tradition. Does that even make sense? I didn't think so...
Monday, November 24, 2008
brother's new blog.
My brothers are very dear to me. Today, I am going to introduce you to the "oldest" brother (sorry, Tom), the most senior of the set. He is quite remarkable. He's very smart, extremely patient and has a very wry sense of humor. The boys were each others' playmates when they were little, and I remember them playing baseball in the field across the street, or touch football in the yard. And when playtime was over, Tom would inevitably end up with his nose in a book. He never left home without at least three. Books. Or more. There's a Jello incident in his past, but let's just say that rather than drop his books, he opted for the Jello dessert Mom had labored over to take to Grandma's for Thanksgiving. It had like, six layers to it, each seperated with a yummy cream concoction. I never did get to say this, but "NICE GOING, TOM!" I do believe that Mom forgave him. The rest of the family still carries a grudge, but moms are good about overlooking that sort of thing. I digress. Tom's book fetish paid off...he's a lawyer, a history buff, a writer, an editor, a Civil War re-enactor Not to mention that he married a sweet and gentle soul and they raised three talented children, who are now grown (sigh).
True to my history of ripping my dear brother off, I snagged that photo up there off his new blog, Marching On. I'd love for you to go and visit him. Please, please don't compare our writings! Oh Lordy, once you finish reading Tom's posts, my ramblings will sound like the kid who writes backwards on that elementary school lined paper. In crayon. With snot smeared across the page. DON'T JUDGE ME!!! Tom writes beautifully, able to express his thoughts in a clear and concise manner. Unlike me. He has some beautiful thoughts about God and country, our family history, politics and history.
Friends, let me introduce you to Tom, of Marching On.
no spring chicken.
Nancy Pelosi Techno Chicken from wreckandsalvage on Vimeo.
My first instinct is to apologize for offending anyone with this clip, but then I thought, "What the heck, I've watched eight years of Republican mockisms and if they were funny, I'd laugh!". In light of the fact that we all need to develop thick skin, here's my contribution to the first layer.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
test of friendship.
This is Wanda in the '80's. Wanda has curly hair in the '80's. She doesn't have curly hair in real-life. I'm sorry about this picture, Wanda. You see, I'm waiting for my photo-editing software to arrive and not being able to upload my fabulous photos, I just had to post something. I thought this might be fun. It was fun for me, but I don't know if my girls will forgive me.
I can take comfort in knowing that these two ladies are fun-loveing and have a great sense of humor. Right, girlfriends?
If you'd like to play with some photos, go to Yearbook Yourself. Then blackmail your friends and family. .. go ahead, it's fun!
Friday, November 21, 2008
post about nothing.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
recurring theme.
Can you guess what this is going to be? Yes! You're correct! It is going to be a duffel bag. I've gotta tell ya, flamingos have been very popular this week. And gators. I mean, Gators. Flamingos, Gators...can you tell I live in the South? If I were back home in Buffalo, NY, it'd be buffalos, I mean, Buffalos and Sabres. Anyhoo (Canadian lingo), this is going to be for my friend Terri, who really does have a heart. I know, because I saw and heard it on a monitor at her doctor's office. That was a great time! I'm planning on sewing up a storm this week..I have Christmas orders starting to come in. Which reminds me of a song. Too soon to sing, I'll wait until Black Friday.
So for now, good night and have a pleasant and cozy evening.
Monday, November 17, 2008
blazer surgery.
Friday, November 14, 2008
chance to win a quilt.
And have yourself a beautiful, restful weekend. Hugs and love.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
skinny panhandler.
This is a very clever clip...stick around for the ending.
If you're in the mood for a heartwarming short film about a hero & the dogs who worship him, please visit the following link:
birthday bash.
The birthday boy is Papa, who is sitting at the table. Granny is his girl. Pa is in the white shirt and Grandma is his girl. Jonathan is, of course, the one holding the dog, B.B. And B.B. is his girl. We had some yummy hamburgers, a birthday cake and lots of laughs.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
day of indentured servitude.
We started off with building these crazy round roll-around units with glass shelving and polished brass hardware. I guess they're attractive enough, but what a pain to put together. And who, I wondered, is going to have to clean this glass? Duh. Once I got the hang of it, I was able to build another unit rather quickly. I finished my second unit and went over to help a lady finish her first unit. Upon completion, we were instructed on how to build another shelving unit. This was twice as big, twice as much glass and hardware and was rectangular in shape. In order to construct these monstrosities, we had to sit on the floor or kneel at the beginning and contort our old, tired bodies to tighten up the screws under the glass shelves. These suckers are five units high, crazy heavy glass, not to mention that we had to unpack, unload, ...oh, what's the use? It was hard! Have I mentioned that it was HOT in that store, no air, no open doors...hello, this is FLORIDA!
Lunch time. Hitler informs us that we have an hour, but we shouldn't expect an hour's lunch every day. Scorched flag #5. Hmm. Off to my car I went, blasting the airconditioning to cool my tired, aching body. Why I didn't just drive home at this point is a mystery to me. But no, I went back to East Germany for another round of body-breaking torture. That's what happens in fascist societies, I was an indoctrinated worker and was worried about my older, heavier partner Sally. Who would help her finish the stupid shelving unit?
By now, you're all bored with my story. But I returned and the work became more physical and back-breaking. We were given one 15-minute break in a ten-hour day. I really felt sorry for some of the women there who were very heavy and plum worn-out. The managers were seldom to be seen, except for the last half-hour as they stood watching us lift heavy peg-board and assembling these crazy aisle-units they use in the stores. We'd been at this for hours, very physical and tiring. At exactly 8 PM, little Hitler called us to the front of the store for a short meeting. What?! Couldn't this have been called at 7:50? All that was left of Red flag #6 were the grey ashes on the floor. Our Comrade informed us that tomorrow, if we were caught "not busy," we would be told to leave. "There are 100 other people who are waiting for your job, so if you can't follow the rules, you're out." She then read from a list the names and the times that her soldiers were to report for work the following day.
I left that hot-box, the nice hard-working friends I'd made and flew to the comfort of my family. I dragged my tired, old aching body out of the car and into the strong arms of my husband. To the loving hug of my son. Even the dog was thrilled to see me. There was a 7/7 on the counter and the aroma of dinner on the stove. A hot shower awaited and then into the comfort of my cozy chair. Jason brought me my dinner and drink that he had prepared for me and honestly, it was the most delicious dinner I've had in a long time. I didn't move until bedtime and needless to say, I slept like the dead.
The end of my story is this: my name was on the list to report for work at 7 AM. As I was leaving the communist block of Hobby Lobby, I thought of those Red warning flags that God had been waving at me throughout the day. Driving home, I realized that I could never keep up this pace for a whole month until the store opens (Dec. 26th). I thanked God for the warning flags, for getting me through the day, and for the comfort of my home and family.
I didn't report for duty this morning. I'll never see the Little Fuhrer and her Gestapo again, but I am going to pray for those women who desperately need those jobs. I honestly don't know how they'll do it, but perhaps with a little prayer from me, Eva Braun will lighten up.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
missing keys.
I'll let you know when and where the keys have been, once St. Anthony leads me to them. He's always been very faithful to me, but I'm figuring it's because he and I were helping someone else. Perhaps he needs you to help me, this time. So in advance, thank you for your prayers.
God bless you and have a great weekend!
Friday, November 7, 2008
visit to a childhood store.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
rice recipe.
Here we go. I am going to give you a recipe so simple, it's frightening. I gave it to my friend Terri, who uses her rice cooker to make it...she has everything! Our slender son (he's not a member of the House of Skinny) loves this dish. It's a regular on our menu.
Preheat oven 350-degrees. Put ingredients in small casserole dish or pan, stir ingredients & cover. Bake for about 25-30 minutes, or until rice is fluffy and water is absorbed. Serve and enjoy.
*Recipe can easily be doubled, just use a bigger casserole dish or pan.
Now go and feed your family. Become a member of my secret society and send me a picture of your Skinny House!
Monday, November 3, 2008
day in the life of Tom.
time for "change."