Tuesday, July 28, 2009

trek up the mountain.

A porn field. You heard me. It became a family joke..."Oh look, that sweet-looking house produces porn." Or, "Hey, get a look at that porn!" And on and on...but it was funny and in this family, we have a difficult time letting go of funny. It just eventually fizzles out, only to be resurrected the next time the opportunity arises.

Cows on the hill. Can you see them? One is at the top of the photo and there's one hiding behind the tree on the right. Lovely!

Up at the house at the top of the mountain, a view of the ceiling in Granny's kitchen. I find it rather charming, with all the old tea kettles and lantern hanging from the beams. As I've mentioned before, Granny is British and she has oodles of teapots. You can never have too many teapots!

Granny's porch early in the morning. The clouds have enveloped themselves around the house. We're standing at the top of some trees and the view looking down into the valley is spectacular!

*Tomorrow, we'll be hitting the road for the final leg of our vacation.


Donna said...

I think we are going to have porn for dinner! Enjoy your trip!

Rengin Yazitas said...

Your Granny's home is like my dream home.
Enjoy your time there....

JR said...

Hahahaha.....I love porn on the cob! It's my favorite! hahaha! You are a riot!

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