Tuesday, July 14, 2009

identity crisis.

Oy vay, I've had quite a break from blogging! Sorry about that, I guess the well ran dry, I had writer's block, my mojo left me, void of inspiration...whatever the reason, I'm back!

The above is my newest project that I cannot tell you about. Because it's a surprise! The fabric has been altered with adorable cyber stickers, to protect its identity. If the stickers come off, the recipient is bound to know it's for her. Thus, the top-secret, high-tech identity blockers. And if the project is successful and it looks decent, I'll post the finished product.

Stay tuned for the last installment of, "The Songs My Mother Sang To Me," it's a doozy! We sang it together Sunday. I wish I could record her singing it and post it on YouTube. How cool would that be?

1 comment:

J said...

that looks like the box my oldest made at cub scout camp!

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