Monday, November 17, 2008

blazer surgery.

It was a beautiful Sunday in Florida. The weather was cool, perfect for spending the day in the hood...I mean, under the hood! Sasquatch's new/old truck got "sick" and needed some special attention.

It's a good thing that we have MacGyver here, he saves us LOTS of money! And he can teach a young driver a thing or two about mechanics. It really was heartwarming to see the two of them working on the truck together, laughing and cracking jokes. I didn't spend too much time out there with them, as I think I'd just gum up the project. I was in the house, "doing my own thing." But I did send my spy...

She can't stand for her boy to be out of her sight for very long. She's loyal that way.


Lynn said...

You have an adorable spy. She looks like she can keep her lips sealed.

I loved your story about working at the Hobby Lobby, by the way. Gadzooks, and good riddance to 10-hour, heatstroke-inducing work days ;)

Princess of Everything (and then some) said...

How in the world do you get that dog to wear anything? Gingerbean has a hissy fit!!

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