Friday, September 12, 2008

root canal.

I know, ya'll are soooo tired of hearing about my blasted tooth! And quite frankly, I'm getting pretty tired of talking about it. But I have nothing else ready to write about, so suffer with me! Yesterday, I had a root canal. And I'm here to tell those of you who despise the whole dental process, as do I, that it really wasn't all that bad. New Doc told me that my infection was pretty darn bad, but with the help of antibiotics and some lovely pain medicine, I am going to be OK. So for the rest of the day, I am going to do some sewing and work on getting my web site together for Fall. After I go grocery shopping. Why is it that kids need to eat regularly? Why can't they live on caffeine like normal people? Oh, and after I vaccuum. And dust. Great!!! Now I'm all confused. Maybe I should just take a nap and sleep on it.
You all have a lovely day. And a great weekend.


Princess of Everything (and then some) said...

Good law girl...take a nap and take it easy! You have all weekend!

Glad you are doing okay.

Anonymous said...

Yeah! I am glad it is over.

Unfortunately, I still have my tooth just sitting there in my mouth waiting to be worked on. It doesn't hurt, so it stays there. For a long time. Until I get brave like you!

Have a great Friday!

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