This giveaway is for this Thanksgiving wristelt and key fob. The fabric pattern consists of Pilgrims and Indians and Turkeys, oh my! It really is adorable fabric. There's not much of it left, unless I sttttttrrrrreeeeeeeeeettttccccchhhhh it and have enough to make one more wristlet out of it. But you will be the hit of the grocery store carrying this. They really are convenient little doo-dads. Oh, and you also win the orange bandanna key fob. Because I want you to coordinate, that's why!
Just leave a comment at the end of this post, telling me if you're going to wait till the last minute to defrost your turkey, or if you always have it under control. I need to know. And remember, one entry per person, please.
Baby Mama, you pretty much guessed on the last post what that was a picture of. It was the pilgrim/indian people. Congratulations, you've earned some extra chances. Mindy and Jenny also win an extra chance for posting in the comments.
Good luck and I'll announce the winner next week.
That wristlet is too cute!!!
Please count me in...
You're suppost to defrost the turkey? seriously,i defrost it and cook it all night for Thansgiving day.
I still think they look like "icy" pilgrims and indians! lol
Very cute give away, I hope I win!
Cute cute cute!!!! Please enter me!
Well heck I am late to the party as USUAL! It sucks not having a home computer right now!
We don't have a turkey. We had brisket last year. Year before that was enchilidas!
Then my daughter, my mom and myself all go to Amarillo and spend the night and get up at like 4am the next morning and go shopping!!!
So see...I need that so I can look snazzy while shopping. It will bring me good shopping karma. *grins* But then again, they may clash with the antlers that I normally wear.
And you think that I am kidding.
Head on over to my place for a giveaway!!!
Too cute! I'm in!
I defrost because the one and only time I didn't I ended up with a half-cooked turkey and that was a big bummer!
Yes, I defrost...and your giveaways are very cute! I found you over at Randi's I Have to Say..
Thanks for the chance.
what adorable fabric, I would love to win this! I'm sure my daughter would fight me for it!
I DO defrost my turkey in the refrigerator and then in the sink in cold water before cooking.
How stinking cute! Found you at Randi's. Enter me, please. I need to be a hit at the grocery store--I'm not a hit anywhere else. Lol.
I love the wristlet, and can't wait until I receive the one I ordered.
I came here from i have to say... What a cute little bag! I'd love to be in the drawing for it. I'm giving away a couple of books on my blog, stop by and enter if they are your taste!
Off to check out the rest of your blog now.
Defrost the turkey? I always end up waiting too late to get a frozen one so I don't have to defrost! I just keep thinking the prices have GOT to come down and they never do!
Humm - we dont have to worry about the turkey over here until Christmas - but we always are ready and defrost it. It was Dh turn last year to cook it and he did it on the BBQ. So let me just add that he will be doing the turkey from now on.
Love the little wallet - and the key chain would help me not to loose my keys!
too cute I will defrost my turkey two days before
What a cute wristlet, I love it!!! I usually defrost the turkey starting a couple of days ahead of time in the fridge.
I half defrost half cook frozen, it depends on when I remmber the turkey:) I found you on Randis site and glad I did! count me in please! Wayneandsarah@yahoo.com
I would be so "thankful" to win those Thanksgiving goodies
That is too cute and would be way easier to tote around with my 2 boys (7 months and 2 years) than just carrying my wallet and keys!!!
I always have good intentions about defrosting the turkey but it hasn't worked out so well in the past. This will only be my 4th year preparing the meal though. It always turns out fine, but it gets a little stressful when the turkey is not defrosted as planned.
What a cute giveaway. I won't be cooking all of Thanksgiving dinner this year so no thawing of the turkey for me.
So cute! Enter me! :) Thanks! ;)
What cute little pieces! Up here in Canada, we've already celebrated Thanksgiving and my turkey was defrosted ahead of time - and soaked in a brine overnight. It was so juicy and tasty - I'll definitely do it that way again.
Thanks for sharing your goodness :))
Will you deliver it to me and while you are at it, cook the Thanksgiving dinner?!
Keeping my feathers crossed!
I always defrost the turkey well, but man it is hard to get every thing else done right on time isn't it!!!!!!The gifts are very cute and I am hopeful to get them.....and if you want to cook another meal...we would be glad to have ya!!!!
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